
this time the sky is dark
this time the water (Jipugtug/the halifax harbour) is gone
the ground glistens but

birds which i think are bats fly in spurts above my head from canopy to canopy

If time permits
If time permits
If time permits
this walk feels like blowing your nose with one-ply kleenex
sidewalks gelled together with slugs
night makes the past/present/future slippery

i see a black and white cat with my ears
it yowls body curved like a horseshoe
a shaggy ginger tabby is hunched
i, the intruder hurry on

this cat fight
this street light
this flow
this yowl

here is where i was followed
breath on my hair

here is where i was yelled at

and here is where i was scared bizarrely and terrifyingly on purpose

here is where i felt unsafe
and here is where i saw the ocean

and here

and here

and here

and here i was home

warped as though looked at through water.
warped as though looked at through water.
warped as though looked at through water.
warped as though looked at through water.
warped as though looked at through water.
warped as though looked at through water.
warped as though looked at through water.
warped as though looked at through water.
warped as though looked at through water.
warped as though looked at through water.
warped as though looked at through water.
warped as though looked at through water.
warped as though looked at through water.
warped as though looked at through water.
warped as though looked at through water.
warped as though looked at through water.
warped as though looked at through water.
warped as though looked at through water.
warped as though looked at through water.
warped as though looked at through water.